Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2nd time around

The second time around is much easier. Praise God.
I will try to write as humbly as I can, but I guess it's pretty easy to sound the opposite.

I spent the past year reflecting at my experience in Thailand, almost idealizing the short two week trip. Now that I'm back here, things are different.

Sure, I'm extremely grateful that the strange feeling of nervousness from meeting the Jasper Kids for the first time has subsided; that my body got used to the humidity and heat much faster; that the JK Home feels almost like a second home to me; that I already know where things are and the idiosyncrasies of the place; that the initially cold Jasper kids warmed up instantly; and that the missionary's kids were already climbing me like a tree from the moment I met them.

But the fact that we're already doing manual labor on our second day here, in the ridiculous humidity and scorching sun, instantly shattered my idealizations.

Still, it's absolutely wonderful to be here. I was going to post up some pictures, but the second pair of trucks came with the dirt, so we have to get back to work.

Keep us in your prayers,
- Thai Missions '08 (Young Kwang)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you guys made it there safely and that you are taking in the experience for the 2nd time around for all that it is! You are all in my prayers and I know that God has amazing things planned for you, the team, and the children/people of Thailand! Miss you and God Bless!
