Friday, July 18, 2008

Esther's Last Day

Sorry that we haven't been posting regularly, but the past couple days have been very busy. The village that we went to went well, and we'll talk it about more in our next post. After we came back, we had an all day activity day with the Jasper Kids, which was a lot of fun, the NLF team had a lot of resources for the activity day, so props to them. Today, we visited the silk factory, and umbrella factory, and the night bazaar because Esther and one of the families from the NLF team were leaving Thailand. It was definitely interesting and fun to have some down time, but it was exhausting doing all that touristy stuff. Anyways, currently, we just got back from sending off Esther as she goes to Korea for the English Camp. Please pray for her safe travels, and that God will use her in Korea. So now its me, Daniel, and Young Kwang here for another week. We'll be staying in Chiang Mai until Sunday, and we don't know what we'll be doing ministry wise, so please pray that our hearts will be prepared for whatever is before us. Sorry for no pictures, I promise to post pictures and our trip to the village tomorrow.

- Thai Missions '08 (Frank)


ChosenCho said...

well, the 3 of you now for about a week more =]

Jason T. Lee said...

you guys rock! God bless!!!!